Frequently Asked Questions

How many tasks can I have Tasklings automate?

Hold on, let me figure out where the infinity symbol is located on my keyboard.

If you upgrade to the "business" plan, you can request as many custom tasks as you'd like. They'll get tossed into a queue, and we'll chip away at them one at a time. When we finish one, we'll roll it out so that you can start using it. Then we'll move onto the next. You'll help manage the priority, and we'll be up front about the complexity of the task development, in case that factors into your prioritization. (Might as well knock out the simple, low-hanging fruit first!)

How long does it take to automate a task?

A few hours, a few days, a couple of weeks -- It all depends on the complexity of the task and how much back-and-forth we have to lock down the requirements, test the task, etc. And then once we complete the development of a task, we move onto the next one in your queue! Ideally, we keep the automation momentum going!

What technologies do you use to write these automations?

Python is the programming language of choice! And then from there, whatever is the best or most efficient technology that makes the most sense for whatever your automation needs to do. And of course, there's typically a healthy dose of Excel spreadsheet manipulations in there too.

Can we have a meeting?

Absolutely. You can see available time slots and schedule a meeting right now. Or if that's too fancy, send an email and we'll get something set up.

Why is this so expensive?

You can look at this a few different ways to justify this expense:

  1. How much time are you saving with these automated tasks? How many hours are folks no longer having to do these mundane tasks? How much would that have cost to pay for those hours (that they are now putting toward something more impactful at your business)?

  2. How much would it cost to have a full-time senior software developer on your staff with years of automation experience? Probably $200,000+ per year, when you factor in benefits, t-shirts with your company logo, etc. And would you even have enough work for that full-time developer? Probably not. So Tasklings is far cheaper!

For help in doing some of these calculations, check out our handy savings calculator.

I have a project in mind, but what if it doesn't fit within the scope of Tasklings?

Tasklings was built to make process automations simpler, but certainly there are projects that fall outside of that. Maybe you need a custom dashboard or UI to manage some data. Or maybe you need some changes made to existing software. Or maybe you need a good Python or Django developer. Whatever it might be, Jon (the human handler here at Tasklings) also offers consulting services. So feel free to hop over to and you can read more there. I'm sure we can figure something out!

Are Tasklings real?

This is too deep of a question. Forget what your brain wants to think -- what does your heart want to feel? Are Tasklings real?

Are you actually asked these questions frequently?


Do you have a question that wasn't answered above? (Which is totally reasonable.) Send us an email and we'll get back to you! Or better yet, schedule a meeting.