Additional demo tasks

Friday, Oct. 20, 2023

More demo tasks have been developed to better illustrate (or demonstrate) the possibilities that exist with custom tasks. It's a challenge, since literally anything is possible if you have custom tasks developed for your business processes. Define the input, define the business logic, define the output, and development can begin.

Since the possibilities are endless, here are just a few demo tasks that you should try out.

Analyze competitors' pricing of the same products you sell!

Regardless of whether your business is direct-to-consumer or business-to-business, you have competitors, and those competitors have prices for goods and services that are the same or similar to yours. It's important to keep a handle on those other prices, so that you can price your goods and services accordingly.

This task assumes you're in the retail space, and it tracks down prices at Amazon, Walmart, and Target for a set of products that are uploaded to Tasklings. With a custom task, this could just as easily be tracking other competitors' websites in your specific industry or niche.

Provided with a list of products, this task will retrieve prices for those products at other competitor retailers. While the data for this demo is fake, it helps illustrate how a simple input file can yield data from other sources via automation. Imagine your own import format, targetted retailers, result summary, etc., that aligns with what your business needs.

Product data Competitor Analysis Results

Analyze real estate listings

The real estate market can be indicative of so much in the economy, even if you aren't directly operating in the real estate space. Maybe you don't want to open up a new store in an area that has decreasing real estate prices. Or maybe you are a realtor and you truly do care specifically about finely-tuned real estate analysis. Whatever the case may be, this demo shows how you can provide a simple input (like a zip code) and then get back some aggregated data. While this demo uses randomly-generated data, a true implementation would aggregate data from Zillow or another real estate listing website, according to your custom specifications.

Provided with a zip code, this task will retrieve some real estate statistics for that area. The data is fake, since this is a demo. But this task helps show how data can be gathered and aggregated based on your custom search criteria.

Zip Code Real Estate Listings Analysis Results

Migrate sales data from one system to another

To run your business, you probably have one system that is handling sales (whether it's a credit card processor like Stripe or Square, an all-in-one solution like Shopify, or some other service provider) and then another system that handles your finances and accounting. Right now, you might be downloading raw data from that first system, tweaking the format, and then uploading into the second system. But now there's no need (if you have a custom task developed)!

This demo task tries to illustrate how a task can be created to handle that migration of sales data. The task will pull down recent sales transactions, compare those transactions against what has already been stored in your financial system of record, and then import only the new transactions.

Sales data is pulled from one system (like Stripe or Shopify or Square), standardized and validated, and then pushed into another system, like your financial system of record. This is a demo, but picture scheduling a task like this to run on a daily basis.

Original System Sales Data Other System

That's all the demo tasks for now. But if you have ideas and/or would like to see something else developed, don't hesitate to reach out: [email protected]